Monday 8 February 2010


one day i would love to be a father and read all my favourite children books to my kids.

1. Michael Ende: Die unendliche Geschichte / The Neverending Story
2. Simon & Desi Ruge: Katze mit Hut ( The female cat with the hat)
3. Erwin Moser: Der Katzenkönig Maunzenberger
4. Roald Dahl: The BFG
5. Astrid Lindgren: Ronja Rövardotter

click on the numbers to see the covers / images of or out of each of the books


  1. is it still playing at the Rio if it is i am definitely up for that x

  2. i dont think it was playing yet, was it? but lets go as soon as its out.!

  3. you look like a perfect father, and i'm sure you'll be a perfect father!
    the first pic is too cute!

  4. hey spin.! du bist der erste den ich kenne der die Geschichte des KATZENKÖNIGS kennt...!
